Thursday, 24 March 2011

Tutorial Four & Five: Video Production

Good practical lesson on how to make a film, including equipment and processes we will need. Had a lively discussion , allocated tasks and decided on a theme effortlessly.
The following week our group shot about 5 mins of raw film to be condensed into a fast speed action sequence. Teething troubles at first with the editing software, however James came to our rescue. As it took ok heaps of time to film and edit the shots we run out of time to load on everyone’s blog. Spose that’s something we will be doing today. Still  a work in progress.
When my group made our film "Displaced" we used the technique of story boarding  which  included technical information such as camera angles, movement which enabled us to create the visual and audio picture that we wanted. Opps, Ive just been informed that it didn't eventuate, so I'm a liar. However in theory it sounds like a good idea.  Our group had a cohesive idea of what the end product should look like and the type of sound track necessary.

This is helpful info my daughter wrote for me on posting videos to my blog. How lovely.

How to put viddys on ye blog!

1. Find viddy on ye youtube.
2. Click the imbed button below the viddy. 

3. Highlight the dibble drabble text that turns up and copy it.
4. Go to ye bloggy.
5. Make a new blog post and switch to html view.  

6. Paste ye dribble drabble from the imbed link into ye bloggy wotsit. And press post!
My chosen area of topic is about occupation.
I have included a new age wheelchair that allows the user to stand up, any time any where.The explanation of p values, has cut through to help me remember how to validate an assessment. The artist who  just does it in a few seconds and proves that occupation is about the doing. And a good sociological demographic thingy.

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